Welcome to Banksia Park Primary School


Welcome to Banksia Park Primary School

Banksia Park Primary School is situated in the picturesque suburb of Leeming.  Our school is housed in attractive air-cooled classrooms with extensive bushland surrounds.  Our school facilities are of a high standard and include a large library, art room, enclosed covered assembly area with Performing Arts Centre, canteen, tennis courts, cricket nets, playground equipment and a grassed oval.
As the catchment area for Banksia Park is compact and almost completely built out our enrolment figures are stable.  Over the years a real community spirit has evolved with parents and staff working together to provide the best possible facilities and educational programmes for the students.  Our students are well behaved and motivated to learn, the parents are extremely supportive and the experienced teaching staff are hard working and enthusiastic.
Our school has much to offer to new residents and cross-boundary enrolments.  The size of the school, the innovative and established education programmes and positive working relationships between students, staff and parents all contribute to make this school highly desirable for potential student enrolments.
Browsing through our website will give you a general overview of the nature and operation of Banksia Park Primary School.  Further information is distributed through the School Newsletter (available online) and at our regular Parents and Citizens meetings.
Martin Humphreys


Education is a life long process and Banksia Park Primary School, along with parents and the community must play a vital role in developing an ongoing “love of learning”.  It must be remembered that our future economic and technological society will evolve more quickly and these children will probably be retrained several times for different types of employment during their lifetime.
Schools are not just buildings but a collaborative community of students, parents, teachers and the local community with a shared value structure.  Notions of social justice, individual differences, democracy, caring, community responsibility, integrity, ethics, academic rigour and good communication must be central to this school community.

All students at Banksia Park Primary School are individuals and we must promote a school culture that: ·      

With the introduction of the Kindergarten to Year 10 West Australian Curriculum a developmental approach to learning has been implemented across all learning areas and augmented with an eclectic approach to teaching so students are presented with a wide range of learning strategies, tools and options.
However, this can not be fully achieved unless the community and the parents are actively involved in the decision making processes that aim to achieve this standard of educational excellence.  Parents have a clear and proper interest in their children’s education and need to be offered the opportunity to become involved in all aspects of their children’s lives – including having access to and working with students in the classroom.  Clearly the more involved parents become in the classroom the more likely they are to be informed when they participate in school decision making.  Thus, a strong school community is an essential ingredient in the continuing development of Banksia Park Primary School.
Truly effective education at Banksia Park Primary School is a joint enterprise between the parents, school and community who work together for the improvement of student outcomes for all children.

Martin Humphreys

MEd  MEdAdmin  GradDipCompEd  BEd  DipT  THC  MACE  MACS(Snr)  FACEL(WA)